Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (2024)

Here is my best recipe for natural, herbal mouthwash that refreshes, protects, and cleans your mouth! It’s simple to make, too. Lose those toxic chemicals, and clean up your mouth!

I've been meaning to write this mouthwash and gum care recipe to go along with my recipe for natural toothpaste for over a year now! So, by popular reader request--here it is!

Commercial mouthwashes, as you probably know, are often full of toxins and often rely on alcohol for the antibacterial action of the wash rather than natural antimicrobials from plants. My recipe for natural herbal mouth rinse is healthy for your mouth, teeth, and gums….and even contains nutrients for general health.

This recipe does contain alcohol, because it is actually a tincture of herbs. Although the alcohol adds extra cleansing power, it’s the herbs I chose for this mouth rinse tincture recipe that specifically support the health of your mouth, gums, and teeth.

If you're looking for a natural mouthwash to use instead of commercial toxic chemical options, I think you'll love this easy recipe! Read on for the directions and a breakdown of the herbs I use in this herbal mouth tincture!

If you prefer watching a video, just scroll down to the lower part of this article, or you can click here to watch it directly on YouTube (and please subscribe if you do)!

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (1)

FTC Disclosure: There are affiliate links scattered throughout this article. If you click through and make any kind of purchase, I may earn a very small commission at no extra cost to you.

Potential Toxins Found in Commercial Mouthwash: Why You Really Should Make Your Own Natural Version

There are TONS of reasons why you should make your own mouthwash instead of buying it at the store. The main reason is that commercial mouth washes and rinses are filled with toxic chemicals.

The second is cost. Why spend several dollars on poison mouthwash when with a small investment in herbs (and you may already have some of these on hand) and a little bit of time, you'll have a much less expensive and healthy alternative.

Here's a little breakdown of just some of the toxic chemicals that may be found in your favorite mouth wash:

1) Fluoride:

Fluoride is not necessary, and in fact, it is linked to many health issues. Some of these include osteoarthritis, skeleto fluorosis, glucose intolerance, and even lowered IQ and impaired intelligence. The Western European nations have mostly banned fluoride these days because of the health risks.

2) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate:

Yep. It may even be in your mouthwash! You can find out about the effects of it being in your soap in this article, if you're interested. You don't even want this stuff on your skin, let alone on the fragile membranes of your mouth! Why?

At the very least, SLS is linked to skin irritations and allergic reactions. It is also a hormone disruptor.

3) Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC):

Wow. Check out that mouthful!

This stuff is supposed to reduce plaque and kill bacteria. However, research suggests it actually does the opposite by helping calculus deposits to form and staining the teeth.

4) Triclosan:

This is a very bad chemical to put in and on your body, let alone the bodies of your little children. This is a known hormone disruptor that was actually registered with the EPA as a pesticide a few decades ago. Why is it allowed in our personal care products in this country? Who knows?

Our FDA doesn't seem to really care much about the chemical toxins allowed in our country. We are better off going to Europe to get our products, I hate to say.

5) Chlorhexidine Gluconate:

This chemical is supposed to reduce bacteria in your mouth, and it may help with gingivitis. However, it also reduces the effectiveness of your taste buds, and cause you to have a dry mouth and other irritations.

6) Artificial Dyes:

Depending on the dye used, they all do something bad to our bodies. Here's an example: Red dye is linked to reduced reproduction, lessened ability to handle stimuli in children, and even a reduction in the weight of the brains in tests on rats.

7) Artificial Flavors:

These are generally created in a lab, and they can be pretty much anything. Flavorings are a free-for-all, in my opinion. And if the label says, "natural" flavoring, don't be fooled. As long as the chemical make-up mimics the chemicals in a natural flavorant, the FDA has deemed the use of the word, "natural" to be ok.

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (3)

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (4)

How to Make Your Own Herbal, Natural Mouthwash

This is a very simple and easy to make recipe. The downfall about it is that it requires time to tincture properly. I recommend just starting now! What do you have to lose?

In just three to four weeks, you'll have the best mouthwash you've ever used! This recipe will make a half-gallon of tincture, so be sure you get that size Mason jar. Or---just cut it in half and use a quart jar if you like!

Ingredients for Natural Antimicrobial Mouthwash:

*** 1 cup Peppermint leaves

*** 1/2 cup Plantain leaves

*** 1/4 cup Rosemary leaves crushed or powdered

*** 1/8 cup Myrrh Gum Powder

**If you want it sweet, you can add up to 1/4 cup Stevia.

***Handful of Clove Buds, more or less, slightly crushed.

*** 80 proof alcohol. I like Vodka because it is clear and relatively tasteless, which makes the peppermint really stand out!

NOTE: If you want extra mouth protection from decay, add about 1/2 cup of Chaparral. It won't taste nearly as good, but chaparral is exceptional for supporting the health of your mouth and helping clear up infections.

EXTRA NOTE: The links above are for Amazon for your convenience. However, if you want to know where I generally get my herbs for cooking and making medicine, it's at Starwest Botanicals. I love that store!

OPTIONAL: A friend of mine suggested adding some natural, plant-based Xylitol as well. I did this with my last batch, and it’s not only a healthy addition but tastes great too! Good call! (Have I mentioned I love your comments?)

Directions for Making Your Homemade Herbal Mouthwash

If you'd like to see pictures of the tincturing process, please check out my What is a Tincture, and How Do You Make a Tincture? article for more information.

Step One: Measure out your ingredients into your jar.

Step Two: Pour your vodka or other 80 proof (or higher) alcohol over the herbs to within an inch of the top of the jar.

Step Three: Shake your jar and place it in a sunny window (my favorite place) or a closet where you won't forget about it. Shake it daily or as often as you remember--at least a couple times a week.

Step Four: Be sure you label your jar with the ingredients and the date you expect it to be done.

Step Five: After four weeks or so...it's done! You can let it tincture longer if you like but it's not necessary.

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (6)

How to Use Your Natural Mouthwash

High proof alcohol can burn, so I suggest diluting a teaspoon or two in an approximate 1/8 cup water, or more if you still find it unpleasant. I love the taste of this mouthwash, though, so I don’t dilute mine much. You’ll still get the benefits of the rinse, even with a good amount of water.

Just like regular mouthwash, simply swish it around well in your mouth, then spit it out. That's it! You can use it as often as you like. If you happen to swallow it, that's fine. It won't hurt you.

NOTE: If you choose to use Chaparral for extra healing power, try not to swallow, which you really shouldn’t do anyway. Chaparral has wonderful antibacterial properties, however, it is very strong and not recommended for long-term internal use. With daily internal use of larger amounts, some research has shown it may harm the liver. You should always do your own research for yourself on any herb you use.

Here’s a video below of this process, if you’d like to watch how I do this. :-)

Final Thoughts on How to Make Your Own Mouthwash That Works!

I just love this mouthwash. It's been my go-to for years, now. In fact, I used to sell it in my Etsy shop, back when I was selling products, and it was a top seller, along with my natural herbal tooth powder.

As far as contraindications go, since you are rinsing and spitting it out, it's a very safe to use mouth rinse. However, as with all herbs, if you are on medication, are elderly, pregnant, or nursing, you should definitely check in with your doctor first.

At any rate, this is such an easy and simple recipe. All you need is about ten minutes of active time, then just wait about four weeks---and you will have the BEST homemade mouth rinse you've ever tasted or imagined! Best of all---it works!

Interested in learning more about using herbs for your health? Take a look at my school, the Healing Harvest Homestead School of Botanical Arts & Sciences. You’ll find some great herbal and natural living courses to get you started on your path!

One option in my school is The Confident Family Herbalist: A Complete Guide to Home Herbalism (which you own forever and comes with student support and additional live lessons twice a month where you can get your questions answered by me, personally).

You may also like these related articles:

  • Natural Options for Healthy Teeth, Tooth Pain, and Infection

  • How to Make Your Own Calcium Carbonate (And How to Use Calcium for Health)

  • How to Make Your Own Natural Tooth Powder


Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,


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Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (8)

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (9)

Resources and The Science:





I am not a medical doctor or dentist. In no manner, stated or implied, is any verbiage in this article or anywhere else I write or say, meant to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any medical condition or illness. Please seek advice from a qualified medical professional for health problems you have. These are just my personal opinions based on years of herbal study and experience.

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (10)

Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (11)


Heidi Villegas, MA, CA, Herbalist

herbal mouthwash, mouthwash, mouth rinse, dental care, mouth and teeth care


Herbal Antibacterial Mouthwash Recipe That WORKS! Try This Natural Simple Mouth Rinse. You'll Love It! — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead (2024)


How do you make antibacterial mouthwash at home? ›

Recipe #1: Basic homemade mouthwash
  1. 1 tsp. salt.
  2. 1 tsp. baking soda.
  3. 1 tsp. xylitol (optional)
  4. 8 to 10 drops of essential oils (optional)
  5. 20 drops of mineral drops (optional)
  6. 1 cup distilled water.
  7. Clean, empty bottle with lid.
Oct 18, 2020

What natural mouthwash kills bacteria? ›

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has antiseptic properties that fight off oral bacteria that cause bad odour. It also assists in teeth whitening and removing stains. To concoct a simple baking soda mouth rinse, you need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of distilled water.

How do you make homemade mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antimicrobial agent that is often used to get rid of bacteria from the oral cavity and eliminates the stink in your mouth. Mix 1 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tsp of baking soda in half cup of water. Mix it all together and use this to rinse your mouth.

What herbs are good in mouthwash? ›

Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), a potent antimicrobial essential oil, fights the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. It is often used in combination with other natural herbs, such as rosemary, chamomile, echinacea, aloe and fresh mint. Vitamin K strengthens teeth.

Is there a mouthwash that only kills bad bacteria? ›

Using an antiseptic mouthwash such as LISTERINE® Cool Mint can help kill up to 99.9% of these “bad” bacteria that can cause bad breath, plaque and gingivitis that can have a negative impact on your oral health.

What ingredient in Listerine kills bacteria? ›

Eucalyptol – with antibacterial properties, this eucalyptus-derived essential oil works as an anti-fungal agent within the mouth. Methol – this natural oil as germ-killing abilities to help halt the growth of bacteria.

What drink kills bacteria in mouth? ›

Green tea contains compounds that kill the bacteria leading to plaque. While a routine intake of black and green tea can help promote healthy teeth and gums, it? s best to drink it unsweetened.

What kills the most bacteria in your mouth? ›

How To Get Rid Of Bad Bacteria In The Mouth: 6 Ways To Inactivate The Harmful Bugs
  • Brush Your Teeth. May be it goes without saying, maybe it doesn't – but Brush Your Teeth! ...
  • Swish With A Peroxide Or Alcohol Containing Mouthwash. ...
  • Floss Between Your Teeth. ...
  • Brush Your Tongue. ...
  • Drink Water. ...
  • Take A Probiotic. ...
  • Eat Fibrous Food.
Mar 28, 2020

What is a natural alternative to chlorhexidine? ›

AloeVera is an effective mouthwash. A paper entitled Comparative efficacy of aloe vera mouthwash and chlorhexidine on periodontal health: A randomized controlled trial, found that aloevera washes equal in effectiveness to Chlorhexidine, the disinfectant and antiseptic commonly use in over the counter mouthwashes.

How do you make magic mouthwash? ›

“Magic Mouthwash” Combine equal parts: -liquid diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Benadryl) -aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide (Maalox; do NOT use Kaopectate) Shake/combine well and swish/gargle with 5-10mL, then spit, every 4-6 hours. Wait 30 mins before eating or drinking.

Is it safe to put hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in mouthwash? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is also often used at a higher strength for in-office whitening treatments. Don't worry, combining mouthwash, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide won't cause an at-home explosion a la Mentos in Coca-Cola, jokes Dr. Rubinov.

Is it safe to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda? ›

Studies have shown that baking soda and peroxide together can kill some of the bugs that cause gum disease, reduce plaque and reduce gum inflammation. Did you know that it can also whiten teeth? Stir mixture into paste-like consistency. Make sure it's not too gritty!

What herbs restore gums? ›

Amla (Emblic myrobalan), is a general rebuilder of oral health. Bilberry fruit (Vaccinium myrtillus) and hawthorn berry (Crateagus oxycanthus) stabilize collagen, strengthening the gum tissue. Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabral) promotes anti-cavity action, reduces plaque, and has an antibacterial effect.

How do you make herbal mouthwash at home? ›

Add cinnamon powder, cloves, peppermint essential oil in water and boil it for about 10 minutes. Now filter the liquid to remove residues and allow it cool. Pour this mouthwash in a reusable jar and keep it in refrigerator. Benefits – Rinsing the mouth with minty clove mouthwash kill bacteria and reduces bad breath.

What herb is best for gum disease? ›

Herb #1 — Myrrh

It also heals and tightens gums, cures bleeding gums, and fights bacteria that would otherwise cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Does rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide help with infection? ›

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide may ease discomfort by reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth and helping clear the infection. Hydrogen peroxide may help kill bacteria by releasing oxygen, which alters the environment of anaerobic bacteria and inhibits their growth.

Is hydrogen peroxide a good antibacterial mouthwash? ›

Hydrogen peroxide also possesses antiseptic benefits and gives relief from oral thrush. It is an oxidizing oral rinse that treats acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. It possesses antibacterial and anti-disinfectant properties.

Is hydrogen peroxide antibacterial mouthwash? ›

Quite apart from its whitening effect on our teeth, dentists value this chemical compound for its antibacterial properties.

What is the best mouthwash to prevent bacteria? ›

Examples of antibacterial mouthwash include:
  • Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash.
  • Crest Pro-Health Advanced Deep Cleaning Rinse.
  • Scope Outlast Long Lasting Mint Mouthwash.


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