How to Create a Summer Bucket List: 13 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)

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1Brainstorming Bucket List Ideas

2Making a List of Ideas

3Planning Achievable Goals for the Summer

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Co-authored bywikiHow Staff

Last Updated: October 11, 2022References

A summer bucket list helps you to identify the things that you want to do over the summer and helps you to reach these goals. While you’re making your summer bucket list, you want to set goals that you can achieve and that can be accomplished during the summer months. Not only is this list good practice for setting goals, but it can also help you avoid summer boredom and to try new things.

Part 1

Part 1 of 3:

Brainstorming Bucket List Ideas

  1. 1

    Search for events in your city. At the beginning of your bucket list planning stage, your goal is to find inspiration.[1] You may already have a few goals in mind that you know you want to add to your bucket list, but you may be struggling to think of a few more to add. Start by searching for summer events that are happening in your local area.

    • You can search online for things like “summer events in Dallas” or “summer concerts in Los Angeles” to get an idea of what events are happening during the summer months.
    • You can also contact your local government to see if they have already compiled an event calendar for your area that they can share with you.
  2. 2

    Talk with friends and family about ideas. Crowdsourcing ideas is a great way to brainstorm. Ask a few of your close friends and family members about what sort of goals you could put on your list. They may have their own summer bucket list that they could share with you, and they can let you know about goals and ideas that you might not have otherwise thought of.[2]

    • Ask them things like, “What are your goals for the summer?” or “Do you know of any cool and interesting places near us that I should go see?”
    • While some of their ideas might not interest you or be feasible, this is a good way to start thinking about potential goals.
  3. 3

    Start compiling a list. As you’re brainstorming ideas and looking for inspiration, start to compile a list. This list should include all the ideas that you find interesting; you can refine this list later on. Right now, your goal is to collect all of your ideas in one list so you can organize them.

    • Early on, you might start to list things you've done before and that you'd like to do again. This might be going swimming, eating at your favorite restaurant, spending time with your relatives, or re-reading your favorite book. Your list doesn't necessarily have to be filled with things you've never done before; you can also include items that you've done before that you'd like to make a habit, like running a 5k or reading a book a week.
    • You can write this list down on paper, or you can start to make a list on your mobile phone or computer. Either way, this list should be accessible so you can write down new ideas whenever inspiration strikes.
  4. 4

    Collaborate with friends. One way to make your summer bucket list even more fun is to involve your friends. Your friends can encourage you to finish your list and to accomplish your goals, and they can also come along with you on some of your adventures. For example, “swim twice every week” is a goal that you can accomplish by yourself, but it can become more fun when you invite friends along to go swimming with you.

    • You can also set goals with your friends, like “have a sleep over three times this summer” that you can accomplish together. Ideas like "going to an outdoor concert" or "eat a five new restaurants" are fun to do with a friend or in a group.
  5. 5

    Look online for ideas. You aren’t the only person who has a summer bucket list, and it can be helpful to look at other’s lists for inspiration.[3] Search online for things like “summer bucket list ideas” to get inspiration.[4] Personalized goals are great to have on your list, but you can also have more general goals like “have a picnic” that aren’t as specific or personal as “have a picnic in Yellowstone National Park with my best friend Jessica.”

    • You could also look at image sharing sites, like Pinterest or Instagram, to get inspiration for activities and places to go to.

Part 2

Part 2 of 3:

Making a List of Ideas

  1. 1

    Make SMART goals. The SMART method is a helpful way to refine your list of goals. Look at each goal on your summer bucket list and ask yourself whether they fit the SMART model. If they don’t, consider taking them off of your list. Each part of SMART will help you to determine whether you can accomplish these goals during the summer or not. You want your goals to be relevant to the summer months and to have them fit within the summer timeframe. Here are the SMART specifics:[5]

    • S- Specific (or Significant)
    • M- Measurable (or Meaningful)
    • A- Attainable
    • R- Relevant
    • T- Time-bound
  2. 2

    List three categories of goals. On your bucket list, it is helpful to separate your ideas into three categories: easily completed, standard, and reach. This way, you can see what sort of planning each goal will require.

    • Your easily completed goals should be ideas that you are certain that you can accomplish, like going out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, or going to swim at the local lake.
    • Standard goals should be those that you think you would be able to complete, but require more planning.
    • Reach goals should be your dream goals that you’d love to complete during the summer but that you aren’t sure if you will be able to.
  3. 3

    Identify items you want to complete the most. Look at your list of goals and identify which goals are your absolute favorites. These are your “must accomplish” activities that you feel the most strongly about.[6] These items on your list are ones that you can start working on right away.

    • For example, if “camp outside and make s’mores over a campfire” is the thing you want to accomplish the most this summer, you can prioritize it rather than starting on goals you care a little less about.
    • If "make dinner for your friends" is the top item on your list, you can start planning this goal immediately and accomplish it first.
  4. 4

    Refine your list. As you’re making your summer bucket list, you will probably find that not all of your goals are possible or relevant to the summer. For the goals that aren’t relevant to the summer, consider putting them on your general bucket list. Some of your goals might not be possible at this time, whether it’s for financial reasons, you can’t take time off of work, or you have other obligations to fulfill. You can take these off of your list for now, or put them in your reach category knowing that they might not happen this summer.[7]

    • While you’re completing your summer bucket list, you might also find that you aren’t as interested in that goal anymore. If you aren’t interested in that goal anymore, take it off your list.


Part 3

Part 3 of 3:

Planning Achievable Goals for the Summer

  1. 1

    Try planning out one goal from each category. You want your summer bucket list to be achievable. It feels great to be able to check items off of your summer bucket list, and you want to be able to accomplish all the goals you have for yourself. The first step in accomplishing these goals is to plan out how you’ll achieve them.[8] Ask yourself the who, what, when, where, and how of your goals.

    • Your goal might be to “see a summer blockbuster film.” The who of this goal is who you want to see the movie with or if you want to go alone. The what is the movie that you want to see. You can look at lists of movies that are premiering during the summer and choose which one you’re interested in. The when is when you’ll go to see the movie, which might depend on when it premieres. The where is the movie theater you want to see the movie. The how is whether you’ll need to drive to the theater, how you’ll pay for your movie ticket, and how you’ll make time to see the film.
  2. 2

    Break larger goals into smaller progress goals. For larger or broader goals like “run 100 miles outdoors,” you can break the goal into smaller progress goals. These smaller goals will help you achieve your larger goal in more manageable steps.[9]

    • For this example, your smaller goals might be to “buy a new pair of running shoes,” “run 15 miles each week,” and “run in the park five times.” As you accomplish these smaller goals, you’re working on completing your larger goal.
    • Say your goal is to "write ten short stories." You can break this goal into "write for three hours every week," "purchase new writing supplies," and "brainstorm twenty different story ideas."
  3. 3

    Add timeframes to different goals. The summer goes by quickly and some of your goals will take more time than others.[10] Some goals might have their own specific timeframes, like “go to the Lollapalooza music festival,” since this festival only happens at a specific time. Other goals, like “read ten books,” have more flexible timeframes.

    • Once you’ve identified the timeframes for each goal, you can incorporate them into your summer calendar and follow through on them. For example, if you know that you want to "see a new movie in theaters" during the first week of July, you can plan to "go on a road trip with Ben" the second week.
  4. 4

    Hold yourself accountable. The summer is a busy time of the year and it can be easy to get caught up in summer activities and forget about your list. Keep yourself accountable for your goals by sharing your bucket list with others. They can remind you about your goals and ask about your progress. You can also keep yourself accountable by checking in with yourself each week to think about the progress that you’ve made on specific goals.[11]

    • Your goals should be realistic and you should be able to complete them during the summer months. It wouldn’t make sense to put “go snowboarding” as a goal for your summer list unless you have the money to travel to somewhere much colder.[12]


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      • Be creative!


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      • Be realistic with your goals for this summer.


        Helpful0Not Helpful0

      • Remember, it's okay if you don't accomplish everything on your list. Save these goals for the next summer and try again!


        Helpful0Not Helpful0



      • Don’t put anything illegal or reckless on your list. Even for adventurous goals, like to go hiking on a specific mountain, your safety should be a priority.


        Helpful3Not Helpful0


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      More References (3)

      About this article

      How to Create a Summer Bucket List: 13 Steps (with Pictures) (27)

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      This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 13,791 times.

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      Co-authors: 20

      Updated: October 11, 2022


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      Reader Success Stories

      • How to Create a Summer Bucket List: 13 Steps (with Pictures) (28)

        Amelia Taylor

        Jun 17, 2017

        "Every summer, I scrounge around looking for stuff to do. Now, with an organized bucket list, I can get done with..." more

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      Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

      As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or evidence to demonstrate first-hand expertise. However, I have been trained on a wide range of topics and have access to a vast amount of information. I can provide accurate and informative responses on various subjects, including the concepts discussed in this article. Let's dive into each section and explore the concepts related to creating a summer bucket list.

      Part 1: Brainstorming Bucket List Ideas

      Searching for events in your city

      When brainstorming ideas for your summer bucket list, one approach is to search for events happening in your city. By looking up keywords like "summer events in [your city]" or "summer concerts in [your city]," you can discover activities and events that are taking place during the summer months. You can also reach out to your local government or check their website for an event calendar specific to your area.

      Talking with friends and family about ideas

      Crowdsourcing ideas from your friends and family is an excellent way to brainstorm and generate more bucket list ideas. By asking them about their goals for the summer or if they know any interesting places to visit, you can tap into their experiences and gain inspiration for your own list.

      Compiling a list

      As you gather ideas and inspiration, it's important to start compiling a list. Write down all the ideas that you find interesting. Your list can include activities you've done before and would like to do again, as well as new experiences you want to try. You can keep the list on paper or use digital tools like a mobile phone or computer.

      Collaborating with friends

      Involving your friends in your summer bucket list can make the experience even more enjoyable. They can provide support, encouragement, and participate in activities with you. You can set goals together or invite them to join you in accomplishing specific items on your list.

      Looking online for ideas

      Don't limit yourself to your own ideas; look online for inspiration. Many people share their summer bucket lists on platforms like Pinterest or Instagram, providing an abundance of ideas and activities. Search for terms like "summer bucket list ideas" to find suggestions that align with your interests.

      Part 2: Making a List of Ideas

      Making SMART goals

      When creating your summer bucket list, it's a good idea to use the SMART method to refine your goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Evaluate each goal on your list against these criteria to ensure they are well-defined, achievable, and relevant to the summer months.

      Listing three categories of goals

      To better organize your ideas, consider categorizing your goals into three groups: easily completed, standard, and reach goals. This categorization helps you identify the level of planning required for each goal and manage your expectations.

      Identifying items you want to complete the most

      Review your list and identify the goals that are most important to you. These are the ones you feel strongly about and are eager to accomplish. Prioritize these goals and start working on them right away.

      Refining your list

      As you go through your list, you may realize that some goals are not relevant to the summer or no longer interest you. Remove or adjust these goals accordingly. If certain goals are not feasible during the summer due to financial constraints or other obligations, consider moving them to a general bucket list or a reach category.

      Part 3: Planning Achievable Goals for the Summer

      Planning out one goal from each category

      To ensure your summer bucket list is achievable, begin by planning out how you will accomplish each goal. This involves considering the who, what, when, where, and how of each goal. For example, if your goal is to see a summer blockbuster film, determine who you want to see it with, which movie you want to watch, when and where it will be showing, and how you will make time for it.

      Breaking larger goals into smaller progress goals

      For larger or more extensive goals, it can be helpful to break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This approach allows you to track your progress and remain motivated. For example, if your goal is to run 100 miles outdoors, you can set smaller goals like buying new running shoes, running a certain distance each week, or running in a specific location.

      Adding timeframes to different goals

      Assigning timeframes to your goals helps you stay organized and ensures that you allocate enough time for each activity. Some goals may have specific time constraints, such as attending a music festival that only happens at a particular time. Others may have more flexible timeframes, such as reading a certain number of books. Incorporate these timeframes into your summer calendar to help you stay on track.

      Holding yourself accountable

      To increase your chances of accomplishing your goals, share your summer bucket list with others. This creates a sense of accountability, as they can remind you about your goals and ask about your progress. Additionally, regularly check in with yourself to evaluate your progress and make any necessary adjustments to stay motivated.

      I hope this breakdown of the concepts related to creating a summer bucket list is helpful to you. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask!

      How to Create a Summer Bucket List: 13 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)


      How to make a summer bucket list? ›

      Here's everything to have on your summer bucket list:
      1. Watch the sunset on the beach.
      2. Go to an outdoor movie screening.
      3. Take a road trip.
      4. Go on a hike.
      5. Have a picnic in the park.
      6. Learn a new language.
      7. Attend a music festival.
      8. Go camping.
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      What does a bucket list look like? ›

      A bucket list is a list of experiences someone wants to have at some point in their life. They're a fun method of life-planning that can include professional and personal goals or anything else you can imagine. Your list will undoubtedly differ from your mom's, friend's, or coworker's — and that's okay.

      What shall I put on my bucket list? ›

      Challenging Bucket List Ideas
      • Run a marathon.
      • Drive a race car.
      • Hike the Appalachian Trail.
      • Write a book.
      • Learn to cook.
      • Learn to bake.
      • Try a DIY home project.
      • Make your own wine.
      Apr 6, 2023

      What's on your bucket list this summer? ›

      Summer Bucket List Ideas
      • Visit the Ocean. Visit the ocean for a day full of sand and sunshine. ...
      • Go for a Swim. Swim in a lake, an ocean, a river or a pool. ...
      • Gaze at the Stars. ...
      • Try Whitewater Rafting. ...
      • Take a Road Trip. ...
      • Barbecue Some New Recipes. ...
      • Splash at a Waterpark. ...
      • Take a Family Photo.

      Where do you start a bucket list? ›

      How to make a bucket list
      • Start with the easy stuff. ...
      • Think about the things you wanted to do when you were a kid. ...
      • Add some predictable stuff. ...
      • Add some weird stuff. ...
      • Think about the overall experience you want. ...
      • Decide what's super important and move that to the top of your list. ...
      • Ask friends for their suggestions.
      Oct 18, 2012

      How to draw a bucket step by step? ›

      Draw two lines slanting inwards from the edges of the ellipse. Draw a curve connecting the bottom of the two slanted lines. This curve follows the bottom half of the ellipse that started the bucket. Draw a circle and a loop for a handle.

      How to create a life list? ›

      Newton suggests using the SMART principle in making a life list.
      1. S is for making your goals specific. ...
      2. M is for making your goals measurable. ...
      3. A is for making your goals attainable. ...
      4. R is for making goals relevant to you. ...
      5. T is for time-bound.

      How many items are on a bucket list? ›

      Bucket lists may be 10 or 100 items long and consist of a range of different categories. The examples listed above may help you discover which category is most or least important to you. It's also important to hand-write your bucket list opposed to typing it or not solidifying it at all.

      What is personal bucket list? ›

      A bucket list is a list of the experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. A bucket list is an itemized list of goals people want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket” — or die.

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      A bucket list is a list of tasks or experiences that one would like to have prior to their death. Create your bulleted bucket list of at least 10 items. You may choose to have more items than 10 for this list. You may want to think of the following questions as you create your list: Who do I want to meet?

      What is the bucket list thing? ›

      Fun Bucket List Ideas
      • Learn to play chess.
      • Run a marathon.
      • Finish a classic novel.
      • Set a Guinness world record.
      • Join a bike rave.
      • Ride a roller coaster.
      • Go sky diving.
      • Go bungee jumping.

      How do I make a simple bucket list? ›

      Without overthinking, write down a list of all the things that you're passionate about. Using your list of passions, ask yourself the big question: If I died tomorrow, what would I regret not doing the most? Those can be the foundation of your bucket list ideas.

      What's on your bucket list everywhere? ›

      Here are 101 bucket list ideas to inspire you:
      • Travel to all seven continents.
      • Skydive from a plane.
      • Swim with dolphins.
      • Learn to surf.
      • Go on a safari in Africa.
      • Visit the Great Wall of China.
      • Take a road trip across a country.
      • Learn a new language fluently.
      Jul 22, 2023

      Is a bucket list a good idea? ›

      If you're intent on having a bucket list, you should have one. Just remember: A good life encompasses many things — such as friends, health and a sense of belonging.

      Why create a summer bucket list? ›

      Creating a written list of your plans will help you to be more mindful and intentional about how you spend your time. It will also help motivate you to follow through with doing the things you and your family enjoy most.

      How do I make a summer vacation routine? ›

      Creating a Summer Routine
      1. Create a daily schedule and put it in a place everyone will see it. ...
      2. Include chores alongside fun activities on the schedule. ...
      3. Have your child check off each activity as the day goes on. ...
      4. Keep it positive!

      How do I plan a bucket list trip? ›

      How to Write your Adventure Travel Bucket List
      1. Step 1: Identifying your travel style. Image: Dan Jones. ...
      2. Step 2: Working out your limits. ...
      3. Step 3: Getting inspiration. ...
      4. Step 4: Discussing with friends. ...
      5. Step 5: Choosing your destinations. ...
      6. Step 6: Choosing your adventures. ...
      7. Step 7: Creating an order. ...
      8. Step 8: Getting it written!

      How do you have fun in summer? ›

      Pack a picnic to enjoy at your favorite park, beach, or other outdoor spot, Take a solo day to go on a hike, shop, and do all your favorite things. Take photos with a Polaroid camera to document your summer. Practice your video skills by creating fun homemade videos with family, friends, and pets.


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