The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

THIRD ing ruin Clearing early cloudiness The during tomorrow. tonight, Weather today. chance Increas- of THE ERNIE'S OUR MAN Stiegler For Commissioner NO. 26,373 Rocket Falls From Plane, Hits House Navy to Probe Aerial Jettison STRAWBERRY PLAINS. Tenn.

(AP) A Navy fighter-bomber accidentally dropped an air-to-surface missile on the home of a judge during a training flight Sunday morning, causing serious damage but no injuries, military spokesmen said. A spokesman for the Defense Department said the Walleye missile that crashed into the house ordinarily "could be jettisoned only under emergency conditions." But the spokesman said the plane, an A4 Skyhawk, apparently returned without further trouble to the Naval Air Station in Atlanta, after the mishap. The spokesman said a Navy investigation team was en route to the scene, but that it was not known immediately what may have caused the accident. The missile fell through the roof of the home of Judge James Parrott of the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals. The Pentagon said the missile was inert during what was described as "a routine reserve flight." Parrott said he was at church in this small East Tennessee community when the missile fell.

In the house were the judge's son Al and his motherin-law, Mrs. W.K. Calfee. The judge's son-in-law, Tom Stinnett, said the six-foot 9 0 0-pound missile smashed through the roof and two floors of the home. MORNING Lehigh Valley's ALLENTOWN, MONDAY, DIRECT HIT A practice Walleye missile (below) is badly damaged but not nearly as badly as is the house it ripped through.

Accidentally released from a Navy plane, the inert missile -minus warhead hit the home of Judge James Parrott of the Tennessee Court of Appeals. (AP) Hot Debate Expected in House Today Over Funding of School Integration By DAVID E. ROSENBAUM (c) N. Y. Times News Service WASHINGTON In the midst of a national furor over the busing of schoolchildren from one district to another, the House will begin Monday what promises to be a fiery debate on President Nixon's bill to give financial help to communities that are desegregating their schools.

The administration, with the help of the Democratic leadership in the House, has neered a circuitous parliamentary strategy to bring the bill to the floor for a vote and has formed a fragile political coalition to press for its passage. Nixon has urged the House to amend the bill, which provides $1.5 billion over two years to help defray the costs of desegregation, to prohibit the use of the money for busing. But the administration has mounted a vigorous lobbying Message to Mayor: Gee, Have a Heart INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Louis B. Russell, the world's longest surviving heart transplant recipient, questions whether Indianapolis Mayor Richard G. Lugar still likes him.

Russell said the first two years after his operation, Lugar, a Republican, declared Aug. 24 as Louis Russell Day because that was the day of his operation. But this year the mayor did not declare the day. "He doesn't like me any more. Or do you think it's because I'm running for the City-County Council as a Democrat?" Russell asked.

Russell is a Democratic nominee for an at-large seat on the council. campaign to rally support behind the bill when it comes before the House Monday under an unusual procedure that forbids amendments and requires a two-thirds majority for passage. If the measure is defeated Monday, as most representatives believe it will be, it will be offered later in the week as an amendment to the higher education bill, which will be up for debate Wednesday and possibly Thursday. Should the desegregation aid legislation, which was passed by the Senate last spring, fail then, it will almost certainly be dead for the year at least. The legislation was approved early in October by the House Education and Labor Committee, but William M.

Colmer, the conservative Mississippi Democrat who heads the Rules Committee, has refused to clear the bill for floor action. In an effort to save 'the measure, House Speaker Carl Albert agreed last week to permit it to be voted on under a procedure called "suspension of the rules." Because amendments are prohibited, representatives will be spared a direct vote on Monday on proposals by Nixon JOSEPH Clerk of Courts and others to forbid the money to be used for busing. This strategy seems likely to win the votes of some northern Democrats who normally support civil rights legislation but who are eager to avoid a vote on busing. A vote against an antibusing a end ment would alienate white voters in their districts, while a vote for such an amendment would hurt them politically in black areas. Greatest Newspaper NOVEMBER 1, 1971 CALL dulge profitable in.

Despondency Worth feeling -Thomas is a the Repeating De man Witt most can Talmage um- in- DELIVERED 10C A COpY 48C Monday through Saturday Nixon Seeking Stopgap Bill To Coordinate Foreign Aid; Fulbright Bucks 'Handout' By WASHINGTON (AP) ROBERT CAMPBELL The Nixon administration hopes to bounce back from a Senate vote to kill the foreign-aid program by winning congressiation passage of stopgap then enactment of a brand new aid bill. White House officials said Sunday President Nixon wants aid continued in a coordinated way and has no intention of seeking piecemeal supplemental appropriations to continue one or another section of the aid effort. Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said, "A piecemeal solution isn't the answer." The White House disclosed its Blasts Rip Two Sites In London LONDON (AP) A violent explosion rocked an army barracks a quarter of a mile from Parliament early Monday, only 24 hours after a blast ripped a gaping hole near the top of London's 620-foot showpiece Post Office Tower. The impact damaged the main doors and shattered windows a at the Westminster Barracks used by volunteer reserve units and office staff of the Royal Tank Regiment.

No casualties were reported in the barracks, which were empty except for a caretaker. Police immediately cordoned off the area. The Post Office Tower is miles from the barracks. Police spokesmen declined to speculate whether the two explosions were linked. Police have strengthened the guard on most public buildings -including the Houses of Parliament where Queen Elizabeth is scheduled to open the new session on Tuesday since the tower explosion.

An anonymous informant said after the blast at the tower, Britain's largest building, that it was the work of Irish underground forces. Detectives were checking into a telephone call made by a man speaking with an Irish accent to the British Press Association. The caller, who claimed to represent the out law Irish Republican Army, said the IRA planted the bomb and more would follow. The IRA's provisional wing, the militant attacks group Northern staging rorist in land, and the more politically oriented official wing, both denied responsibility for the blast. Inside The Call Crash Injuries Fatal to Woman; Weekend L.V.

Accident Toll Mounts 4 Special Edition News Pages 5, 28, 29 Mrs. Gandhi and Heath Wind Up Urgent Talks on India-Pakistan Crisis 8 Senate Postponement May Be Fatal to Nixon Welfare Reform Legislation Page 11 Promoters of Hard Core Sex Entertainment Cry About Bad Times 12 Today's Index Bridge 35 Farm Corner 37 Television 34 Classified 38-43 Financial 37, 38 Theaters 36 Comics 34, 35 Furgurson 18 Deaths TV Keynotes 34 6, 14, 38 Riesel 18 Editorial 18 Sports 30-33 Weather 5 Family 25-27 Storch 18 Wilson 36 Second Class Postage Paid at Allentown, Pa. 18105 TWO DOLLADS ET TWO DOLLARS A 11357441 A THIS NOTE NOT LEGAL TENDER WARLINGTON D.C. FOR ANY DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE A 11357441 A Dis they Kalis. 1971 SERIES the Unted Save UNITEDSTATES SOFAMERICA TWO DOLLARS 4.000 DU A plans a few hours after Sen.

J. W. Fulbright said he expects the Senate to approve an interim program excluding funds "for the military domination of other countries." The Arkansas Democrat did not state flatly that military aid to South Vietnam should be ruled out but said military-assistance programs are "sticking points" that could preclude continuation of foreign aid. "To liquidate the (U.S.) involvement in Vietnam is the announced policy, of this country," Fulbright adding co that if the Senate vote rejecting a twoyear extension of the program helped toward that goal it was a good move. Nixon, who spent part of the weekend at his Camp David hideaway near Thurmont, conferred by telephone with William Timmons, a key White House lobbyist, on strategy to offset Friday's surprise Senate vote.

Nixon and Timmons, officials said, agreed the first order of business would be to seek passage of a resolution that would continue foreign aid beyond its scheduled Nov. 15 expiration at current levels. If such a resolution, subject to periodic renewal, is adopted, Nixon would plan to develop a whole new aid program. Ziegler said administration people were busy during the TORN AWAY -A whole section of the Post Office Tower in London's West End was ripped away by explosion. (AP) Bandits Get Gems From Envoy's Kin (c) N.

Y. Times News NEW YORK dressed gunmen stole $100,000 in jewelry Arthur Hugh Bunker, law of the American dor to South Vietnam, friends early Sunday the private driveway House at 435 E. 52nd The robbery took a.m. as Mrs. Bunker, who is well known Leighton, author wright, was leaving ter the lobby of guarded, private building.

Five security guards duty in the lobby House. Mrs. Bunker was from a farewell dolph Bing at the Opera in Lincoln She said that as from the taxi she Mr. and Mrs. Sol venson, "there in a business suit at me.

He ordered back in the cab. I a Halloween trick." Mrs. Bunker said man had a gun driver and the Kanns. up men took a $50,000 necklace with SAMUEL S. For City weekend taking a continuing assessment of what he termed the severe implications of killing security, economic and humanitarian assistance to other countries.

In the absence of congressional action by Nov. 15, he said, the big Agency for International I Development would shut down for lack of funds to pay its employes. Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the Senate vote marked "the beginning of a period of great opportunity to be more cooperative and not so domineering" in foreign relations. Fulbright appeared on the CBS radio-television program, "Face the Nation." Fulbright's committee meets Monday but he said it will not attempt to shape a new program on its own at that time. He put it this way: "All I did was suggest to the members that we ought to get together and just evaluate the situation.

There's not the slightest idea that we will act on anything, propose anything simply a discussion session." Fulbright said aid to countries like Laos and South Vietnam would face "a lingering death" as programs now in effect gradually ran out. But he said "grab-bag" programs that "were all things to all people" will not be seen again. He said the interim program probably would "take care of those parts of the (foreign aid) program that are the least controversial." He cited such things as funds for Pakistani refugees as an example. Fulbright said he doesn't agree with some senators that funds for the United Nations should be cut severely in the wake of the world body's ouster of Nationalist China. But, he said, "there are reforms that should be made." He said $400 million in funds to finance military sales to Israel as included in the old bill "was a very special case" the Senate would have to consider.

He mentioned as an example such things could be handled by simple resolutions in the Senate and not included in foreign aid. Fulbright, long a critic of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, said one of the reasons often cited as justification for our presence in Indochina is the military program. He said this deepened our involvement there. Fulbright said also Nixon's threat of a veto if the bill was not passed as he wanted it helped to cause its defeat.

He said senators reacted angrily to the threat and to what he called overlobbying by the administration. Fulbright said the Senate action reflected softening of an "almost religious obsession with communism." "This is the first time," he said, "the Senate took the responsibility that the Constitution expects of it." Sen. George McGovern said Sunday he will file bills Monday to restore a credit arrangement for Israel and aid for Pakistani refugees which were in the defeated foreign aid bill. The South Dakota Democrat, who is seeking his party's 1972 presidential nomination, said he will also file a bill "to prohibit all military aid to the repressive Greek regime." McGovern's remarks were made in a speech at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Service Three more from Mrs.

sister-inambassa- and two morning in of River St. place at 1:15 a widow as Isabel and playa taxi to enthe carefully apartment were on of River returning dinner for RuMetropiltan Center. she exited shared with Kann of Stewas a man pointing a gun me to get thought it was the third pointed at the The holdplatinum pear-shaped dia- FENSTERMACHER -Lever 14B monds and marquis, a $40,000 diamond ring and a $5,000 set of diamond earrings from Mrs. Kann. that point," Mrs.

Bunker said. "I was glad for my belief that it's not safe to wear glittery jewelry in New York. I wore effective jewelry, but not intensively She said valuable the from her a gold necklace worth $1,650 and sapphire clip valued at $3,600. FIRST CALL 'If Tito's such a friend, how come we never use his first ELECTION I SPECIAL HOT DOG 20c Yocco's 625 Liberty St. What Price Women's Lib? WASHINGTON (AP) Asserting his support "Yes," he said, "we are all guilty of our for women's liberation, a New York congressman subtle comments.

We, too, are guilty of treating plans to introduce legislation Monday reviving the today's woman with the same subtle or not so $2 bill with suffragette Susan B. Anthony's picture subtle humor that we have treated most of our on it. nation's minorities." Rep. Seymour Halpern, said he was Halpern insisted his effort is not "a patrondismayed that only one woman, Martha Washing- izing attempt. to produce a milksop" for the ton, has ever been portrayed on American money.

women's lib movement. He said he figured Miss Anthony deserved the hon- He said 31 other congressmen support his legor because "she represented ali women who either islation as do 17 governors, 25 women's organizahad contributed 1 to or wanted to contribute to our tions and James A. Conlon, director of the Bureau nation's well-being." of Engraving and Printing. Mrs. Washington's picture was on a dollar bill Conlon, without commenting on Miss Anthony, circulated for about five years in the 1800's.

said revival of the $2 bill would save $2.1 million Halpern chided his male colleagues for mak- annually by reducing the number of $1 bills reing sport of women's lib. quired..

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Circulation area

The Morning Call circulates in the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) of Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties, and surrounding Pennsylvania counties of Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, Schuylkill and Monroe, plus Warren County, N.J.

Where is the morning call based? ›

We are headquartered in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and are part of the Tribune Publishing portfolio.

What is a morning call? ›

What was a morning call? Morning calls were short visits of ceremony paid to your acquaintances. There were rules of etiquette surrounding these visits—when they should be made, how long and how often, and suitable topics of conversation.

How do I cancel the morning call? ›

You can cancel your subscription anytime online at or by calling 610-820-6601.

What is the phone number code for Allentown Pennsylvania? ›

You can connect with customers in area code 610's major city, Allentown, Pennsylvania, with a population of 125,845. The area code also covers: Chester, Lehigh Valley, Norristown, Reading; parts of southeastern Pennsylvania. With an increasing demand for new phone numbers, area code 610 is an overlay of area code 484.

Who owns Allentown Morning Call? ›

Founded in 1883, it is the second-longest continuously published newspaper in the Lehigh Valley, after The Express-Times. The newspaper is owned by Alden Global Capital, a New York City–based hedge fund.

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You can cancel your subscription anytime by calling 610-820-6601. After the $4.00 for 1 year introductory rate, you will be automatically charged $19.96 every 4 weeks.

WHO publishes the morning call? ›

The Morning Call is a Media Company in Allentown, PA that serves the Lehigh Valley and its surrounding communities. It's part of Tribune Publishing.

Where is good morning call set? ›

Like the manga, the series is set in Tokyo and follows the relationships of the main characters from high school to university. Season one streamed on Fuji on Demand and Netflix Japan from February 12, 2016 to June 10, 2016. A second season aired on September 22, 2017 under the title Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days.

Where is the morning show from? ›

The Morning Show, hosted by Jeff McArthur and Carolyn MacKenzie, is broadcast weekdays (9 a.m. ET/PT | 10 a.m. AT) from our lakefront studio at Corus Quay in downtown Toronto.

Is the morning show based on a real network? ›

But the drama starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Steve Carell is based, loosely, on NBC's Today Show. And from the opening minutes of the first episode, it's clear that the premiere draws inspiration from the #MeToo scandal that embroiled that network beginning in 2017.

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If you would like to make a change to your subscription please contact the Morning Call Customer Service Center at 610-820-6601, visit the Account Management page, or fill out our Feedback Form.

Where was the original morning call? ›

Morning Call was opened by Joseph Jurisch in 1870, at the lower end of the New Orleans French Market, eight years after its main competitor, Café du Monde, opened a few blocks upriver in the French Quarter. For over a century it was a French Quarter landmark.

Which country is known as the morning call? ›

South Korea is called, The Land Of The Morning Calm. This is mainly because: The beauty of pleasant high mountains.

Allentown Morning Call newspaper in Allentown ...MondoTimes.com ›

The Allentown Morning Call covers local news in the city of Allentown and across Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley, which also includes the cities of Bethlehem a...
Call: Feel free to call us at 610-820-6601 Mail: The Morning CallP.O. Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105-1260.
The Morning Call is a daily newspaper in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1883, it is the second-longest continuously published newspaper in the Lehigh Valle...

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For general questions, reach us by: Email: Phone: 610.867. 4677.

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The Express-Times and offices are at 18 Centre Square, Easton, Pa., and may be reached by phone at 610-258-7171.

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What is the phone number for Allentown School District Human Resources? ›

As of this year, retired educators can return to service as Allentown School District employees. If you are a retired educator and want to learn more about returning to service as a substitute teacher and as a District employee, contact Human Resources at (484) 765-4128, or email


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.